Our Future
For I know the plans that I have in mind for you,” declares Adonai, “plans for shalom and not calamity—to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11(TLV))
If you have 20/20 vision, you can see what a normal person sees on a chart when standing 20 feet away. If you have 20/40 vision, it means that while you are standing 20 feet from the chart, you can see what a normal person can see from 40 feet away – meaning your eyesight is imperfect. We use the expression “hindsight is 20/20” means that everyone sees the past clearly. What seems fuzzy before it happens is always clear, after the fact.
As human beings we have 20/20 hindsight, but God also has 20/20 foresight. That is, His view of the future is just as clear as His (and ours) view of the past. We try our best to see the future clearly – we pray, do our research, seek counsel, and prepare. But only God knows the future.
“Remember the former things of old:
For I am God—there is no other.
I am God, and there is none like Me—
declaring the end from the beginning,
from ancient time, what is yet to come,
saying, “My purpose will stand,
and I will accomplish all that I please.”
Isaiah 46:9-10(TLV)
That is the heart of biblical prophecy. God knows and declares through his prophets, the end from the beginning. God’s heart is to give his people “a future and a hope.”
You know your past today, and God knows your future. If you trust Him with what has already happened, trust Him as well with things to come.